Hi all,

there has been a slight change of plans: the room we usually take is booked for today, so the reading group will take place in room 4.07 of the E1.1 building instead.

E1.1 is the CS building where our lab is located (the building next to E1.7, connected through a bridge). And the room should be in the fourth floor as you enter E1.1 from the front entrance.

Sorry for the inconvenience!


On 10.01.24 11:58, Adrián Javaloy wrote:

Reminder: Happening today at 2:30pm! (see below)


On 08.01.24 09:35, Adrián Javaloy wrote:

Dear all,

I hope you had a pleasing Christmas break, and that you had time to charge up your batteries and spend time with family and friends.

This week we are back with the ML reading group and Georgi Vitanov, a new Master student at Isabel's group, will be introducing the paper titled Causal Fairness under Unobserved Confounding: A Neural Sensitivity Framework.
As usual, the reading group will take place on Wednesday at 2:30pm, and this time UdS will be hosting the meeting at room 0.001 of the building E1.7 (the cluster of excellence building, the room is the first one on the left as you enter from the front door of the building).

If you are unable to attend physically, a Zoom call will be available in the same link as always: https://cs-uni-saarland-de.zoom.us/j/91937148099?pwd=R1BhUVVVMXJKRWU1OXI5alBjWERBdz09


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To unsubscribe send an email to ml-reading-group-leave@lists.saarland-informatics-campus.de