Dear all,
For this week’s ML reading group, we have Dr. Siu Lun Chau presenting the paper titled Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification for Kernel Methods by Gradient Perturbations<>. It’s an interesting work providing an alternative way of quantifying uncertainty with no distributional assumption on the noise term (unlike standard GPs).
This time the meeting will take place on Wednesday 2:30pm at CISPA building room 0.07. There should be cookies and some drinks this time.
Here’s the zoom link for those who cannot attend physically:…
Best regards,
Siu Lun Chau
Siu Lun (Alan) Chau, Ph.D (Oxon) | Postdoctoral Researcher
CISPA - Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Stuhlsatzenhaus 5, 66123 Saarbrücken,
+44 7415137484 | siu-lun.chau(a) |
Dear all,
I hope you had a pleasing Christmas break, and that you had time to
charge up your batteries and spend time with family and friends.
This week we are back with the ML reading group and *Georgi Vitanov*, a
new Master student at Isabel's group, will be introducing the paper
titled Causal Fairness under Unobserved Confounding: A Neural
Sensitivity Framework <>.
As usual, the reading group will take place on *Wednesday* at *2:30pm*,
and this time UdS will be hosting the meeting at room *0.001* of the
building *E1.7* (the cluster of excellence building, the room is the
first one on the left as you enter from the front door of the building).
If you are unable to attend physically, a Zoom call will be available in
the same link as always:…